Moorpark College Alum: Robert C. Felix

What was your major?
General Studies: Natural Science

Where are you now? Tell us about what you do and how did you get there?
I am now staff at CSU Channel Islands as the transfer credit systems analyst. I recommend and implement solutions to manage processes in an efficient manner to improve customer service and productivity as it relates to transfer credit from all community colleges, mainly in California, to CSU Channel Islands.

I was previously an active duty Air Force medic, then an Air National Guard medic at Channel Islands Air National Guard at Point Mugu, retiring in October 2015 as a staff sargent. While I was in the Guard I took classes at Moorpark College and worked on campus in Admissions and Records assisting the VA Certifying Official.

I was instrumental in creating and establishing the Veterans Resource Center there. After graduating from Moorpark, I started my bachelor’s program at CSU Channel Islands and worked in the Records and Registration department assisting the VA Certifying Official. After graduating at CSUCI in 2017 with a bachelor’s in psychology, I was hired on as an emergency hire with Enrollment Management’s Student Systems department. As of November 2018, I was officially hired on as the Transfer Credit Systems Analyst. I am also the Veteran’s Club staff advisor and I sit on the Veterans Success Committee at CSUCI.