Congratulations Class of 2019 | From The Board of Trustees

On behalf of the Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees, Chancellor, Faculty, Classified Staff, and Administrators, congratulations graduates!  

As we prepare for commencement, our District will be awarding more than 6,400 degrees and 3,400 certificates. We acknowledge and congratulate you on your achievements. Whether you are entering the workforce or transferring to a university or college, we are proud to have assisted you in pursuit of your educational goals. We are grateful to our dedicated faculty who inspired and challenged you; staff who guided you through your educational plan; and family and friends who supported and encouraged you to achieve everything you dreamed.
Be sure to visit the graduation section of the VCCCD Connection Newsroom for graduation photos, stories, and information. The VCCCD Connection is a regularly delivered email newsletter about happenings across Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura Colleges. Never miss an issue, click to subscribe.

We look forward to seeing returning students this summer and fall. Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura Colleges are your colleges. We remain committed to providing you with the very best educational opportunities.
With the highest regards and best wishes for continued success,

Dianne B. McKay
Board of Trustees Chair
Ventura County Community College District